Welcome. Bit Livid is a collaboration between Lewis Attey and Daniel Wood. We make videos. Usually web series. Often comedic.

Please enjoy our seemingly sparse internet page, which is, in fact, literally chockers with high-res content.

For starters, we've got two new short films, Eating Late and Working Late, that you'll be able to watch right here in May, 2024. Narrated by Lee Lin Chin, both shorts explore the inner lives of sad, meek, bored and despondent diners / office workers as they glumly slurp wontons / photocopy stuff. Both Eating Late and Working Late will also be viewable on SBS On Demand. So watch this space.

If you like Eating Late and Working Late then you should probably subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content in stunning 1080p resolution. Like, for instance, Huge If True which we made for Crikey in 2017. And The Intern which we made a few years before that.

So consider yourself satiated and humbled by the sheer volume of content on offer. You're welcome.